Disclaimer for the English version

The present English version of the Privacy Policy is provided for your convenience only. In case of any difference between the English and Italian version, the Italian version will prevail. You may find the original Italian version at the following address: http://cobelli.it/it/user/privacy

The privacy policy of this website

This page describes how the present website, a property of Azienda Agricola Eredi di Cobelli Aldo, handles the processing of personal data of any user (thereafter "the User") who interacts with it, or uses its services.

The present notice regarding the personal data processing is provided in compliance with the EU 679/2016 Regulation - General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR"), thereafter "Regulation”. It is provided to those who interact with the website (thereafter "Website") located starting at http://cobelli.it (its homepage). The present information is limited only to the Website, and not for any other website which could be reachable from it using hyperlinks.

The personal data gathered during the navigation, or by submitting forms or email messages (thereafter also "Data") are processed in compliance to Italian and European law, and respecting the rights provided by the law to the Users.

The data Controller

The Controller of the data is Azienda Agricola Eredi di Cobelli Aldo, headquartered in Maso Panizza di Sopra, Strada del Vino 22, loc. Sorni di Lavis (TN). For any further information or inquiry, the User can contact the Controller using the following email address: info@cobelli.it or the headquarter address.

Purpose of the processing and legal grounds

As a result of the use of this Website, APIs or similar services, the personal data of identified or identifiable persons may be processed. The processing will have the following purposes:

a) enable the navigation of the Website, implement the technical means to make its services available, allow to analyze the number of visitors and how they use it; in such cases, the legal ground for processing it the legitimate interest of the controller to run the website and to protect its rights;

b) communicate the response to any inquiry and/or provide the services requested through the website; in such cases, the legal ground for processing it to to take steps at the request of the User, the execution of a contract to which the User is a Party, or the execution of pre-contractual measures requested by the User, or (where needed) the consent.

c) send to the address provided by the User, periodic communications, about updates regarding the services, promotions or other news from the Controller. This is done only if the User has expressed a specific request and given a specific consent, that will be separately requested; in such cases, the legal ground for processing is the User's consent, but also the legitimate interest of the Controller (as stated in Recital 47 of the Regulation) to make its operations and skills known, without prejudice to all and any of the Rights of the User stated below.

d) comply with the requirements of any law, regulation or European law; in such cases, the legal ground for processing is the fulfillment of a legal obligation which applies to the controller;

Further information about data processing purposes are explained in the "Cookie policy" section that follows.

Place of processing, categories of recipients and transfer of personal data to a third Country

The processing relative to the services provided by this Website is performed at the establishment of the Controller. The data is processed according to the purposes specified above by personnel, employees and contractors of Azienda Agricola Eredi di Cobelli Aldo, by which they have been appointed as "responsible of data processing" (incaricato del trattamento) and/or "data processor". The data shall not be made public.

The Data may be communicated and processed by companies and consultants of Azienda Agricola Eredi di Cobelli Aldo - and/or by their processors - for the purposes of the technical operation and maintenance of the Website and to perform activities instrumental to the contracts or services requested by the User. In any case, such third parties will be acting as autonomous Data Controllers or Data Processors in accordance to the instructions provided by the Controller, and as such they will process - and may communicate the data to further third parties - to pursue the processing purposes stated above.

The Data may be transferred to countries outside of the European Union only for the purposes detailed above, and in compliance with the Regulation (and therefore on the ground of a decision by the European Commission about the adequateness of the protection level offered by the third country, as described in art. 45 and 46 of the Regulation), or (in the absence thereof) when it is (for example) necessary to perform contractual measures between the Controller and the User or pre-contractual measures requested bu the User, or on the ground of a consent by the User (art. 49 of the Regulation).

Types of processed data

Navigation data

During normal operation, the computer systems and the software procedures that govern the functioning of this Website acquire some personal data, the transmission thereof is implicit in the communication protocols of the Internet. This data is not gathered with the intent of being associated to named Users, however its very nature may render an identification possible, through further processing and associations with other data, that may belong to third parties.

This category of data includes the IP addresses or the domain names of the devices used to connect to the Website; the URI addresses of the requested resources, the date and time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the file size of the response, the numeric code or the response from the server (OK, error, etc...), and other parameters that identify the operating system and environment of the User.

This data is used to gather anonymous statistical information about the use of the Website and to assess that it is operating correctly. The navigation Data is deleted after the statistic processing has been completed, and in any case are not saved on the web server for more than 7 days from their acquisition, unless their further conservation is required to prevent illegal activity against the Controller, on the legal ground of legitimate interest of the Controller in case of malicious activity. Navigation Data may be used to assess responsibilities in case of any computer crime.

Data provided voluntarily by the User

In case the User explicitly and voluntarily sends email messages to any of the email addresses indicated on this Website, the sender address and any personal data present in the message will be acquired, in order to respond to the request.

In case a page allows the User to request a specific service, a specific short notice about the relevant data processing may be displayed there.

Is the data required or optional?

Except for what regards navigation data, the User is free to provide the personal data requested in any Form present on this Website - for example to request to be sent a newsletter, a service, or other information or communication or service. The only consequence of a failure to provide the requested data is, that the request may be impossible to fulfill. For completeness we remind you that in some cases (not part of the standard operation of this Website), the Data Protection Authority may send inquiries, in order to enforce control over personal data processing, pursuant to art. 157 of the Codice and art. 58 of the Regulation. In such cases the response is compulsory, and failure to provide it may result in a fine.

Methods of data processing and their conservation

The processing of data will take place in an appropriate manner to ensure security and confidentiality and can be carried out on paper, electronically or with other automatic, computerized, or manual means. All the processing will be carried out in manners that ensure that the data are processed securely, they are always intact and available and are treated in compliance with the principles set out in EU Regulation 679/2016 and for the sole purposes envisaged. Specific security measures are in place to prevent data loss, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorized access.

Personal data is kept for the time strictly necessary for the pursuit of the aforementioned purposes (referred to in the aforementioned letters a, b and d). In relation to the purposes under c), the treatment of the collected contact data will last indefinitely until the newsletter sending service is active, or until the User validly revokes the consent or until they communicate the opposition to further processing for the aforementioned purposes.

Rights of the Users

The User has the rights set forth in articles 7 and subsequent of the Codice and art. 12 and subsequent of the Regulation. In particular, the User has the right to obtain confirmation of the existence (or lack thereof) of data concerning them, and to inquire about the origin, the purposes and methods of treatment, as well as the logic applied in case of treatment with the aid of electronic means, to ask the data Controller (and therefore to each joint Controller) access to the data, to amend or to have it deleted, or to limit the treatment or to oppose to it, as well as being entitled to the portability of electronic data that are subject to automated treatments. Furthermore, they have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.

In cases where the legal grounds of the processing is consent, and in case of transfer of data to non-EU countries in the absence of adequacy decision or adequate guarantees, the User has the right to revoke the consent at any time without prejudice to the lawfulness of the treatment based on the consent given before the revocation.


A cookie is a small file of text that can be installed on the device used by the User to navigate the Website. The cookie allows to identify the User during their visit session and (possibly) on subsequent visits.

How cookies are used

We employ cookies for the purposes described in the table below.

For some functions of this website we employ services provided by third parties, that may install cookies during their functioning.
For each of them, we provide the link to the privacy policy where you can learn how your personal data is processed, information about cookies and opt-out.

Technical cookies and comparable
Technical cookies are required to make this website work.
Necessary for operation (technical cookies) - Session cookies. The session cookie allows our website to recognize you during your visit, and it allows us to make our website secure and efficient. It will be deleted at the end of your visit.
- Preference cookies. In preference cookies, some of your choices about this website are saved, such as for example: the language of your computer or your choice, your accessibility preference such as font size, the contents of your shopping cart, the filters you set on some forms (for example those that set data ordering). A preference cookie is also set to allow to register your cookie preferences. No personal data is saved in preference cookies. They expire at most after 1 year. - Cookie that saves users' preferences about cookies and third parties. This cookie expires no sooner than 6 months and no later than 1 year.
See the Privacy Policy of this service.The service is provided by Proprietario di questo sito web / this website owner headquartered in specificata nella privacy policy / see privacy policy
First-party anonymized statistics, equivalent to technical cookies We use your navigation data to get aggregated statistical information on the navigation behavior of our visitors. This Data is anonymized (via IP anonymization) and aggregated, therefore it is not possible to identify any single user. We use the Matomo service, installed on our servers.
See the Privacy Policy of this service.The service is provided by Proprietario di questo sito web / this website owner headquartered in specificata nella privacy policy / see privacy policy
Contents (third parties)
We show contents from third parties to enhance this website and to provide additional information.
OpenStreetMap We may use the OpenStreetMap widget to embed roadmaps and cartography in this website.
See the Privacy Policy of this service.The service is provided by OpenStreetMap Foundation headquartered in St John’s Innovation Centre, Cowley Road, Cambridge, CB4 0WS United Kingdom

Managing cookie preferences

The User can disable or change the cookies behavior by changing their browser settings. To find out how to disable the cookies, please refer to the operation manual of the browser. For your convenience, you may also refer to the following resources:

Please be aware that disabling cookies may prevent the correct functioning of the website.

This document, published at http://cobelli.it / user / privacy, constitutes the "Privacy Policy" of this site which and may be subject to updates at any time.